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Workshop on Safe Drinking Water
Society organize a workshop on sanitation & safe drinking water. In this workshop told them the importance of sanitation and safe drinking...
Legal Awareness for Women
Legal Awareness for women aimed at making women aware about their financial Independence was organized by the society. The programme was attended...
Environmental Awareness Programs
The society organized a environmental awareness programme to discuses the impact of growing pollution on the human health and environment .The eminent...
Adult Educational Programs
Considering very high level of adult illiteracy the society has started with the help of the volunteers organizing adult education Programmes on...
Legal Awareness for Women
Legal Awareness for women aimed at making women aware about their financial Independence was organized by the society. The programme was attended...
Consumer Awareness Programme
To make the consumer aware about the precautions that they should take before buying anything from the market a consumer awareness camp...
Primary Edu. Programme For Children/ N.T.T.
Primary Education Programmer for children was started by the volunteers of the society at Nahan. Books and others education material were distributed...
Seminar on Family Planning & Health
Considering very high level of reluctance on part of the villagers to adapt the family planning methods the population explosion has taken...
Formal Computer Edu. Center in Nahan
In the beginning of this initiative we have established a Formal Computer Education Center Nahan  which is a backward and Slum area...